Roland SP 555 Samplers & Sequencers

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Loop it One More Time With a Roland SP 555 Sampler

You never know how special effects or recorded sound can be used in your compositions. The thing to have is a wide selection of options at your disposal. The Roland SP 555 sampler, available on eBay, has a reliable database of hits, uses a 16-button pad, provides 37 preset patches, and works with external memory to boot.

Is the Roland SP 555 Sampler suitable for portable use?

This device is suitable in a recording studio or if you’re on the go during stage work. Keeping it home is ideal when you’ve found your own method for working the different settings and pre-recorded samples. The compact Roland SP 555 sampler only requires a common outlet with which to get started, and you can use an extension cord to make use of any power you have.

Press play, record, or stop for a final edit

A creative musician has enough in the cool Roland SP 555 sampler with which to write entire songs. See why this tool is so handy as made with these features:

  • XLR input: The XLR is a standard audio cable that uses universal input and output adapters for transferring audio signals with clarity. These connections are provided by the SP 555.
  • Loop settings: Looping is necessary to making the most out of a sampler. Making a repeated and automated playback is essential to you then adding in other pieces.
  • Synth, trigger, and filter: Set when you need to synth, trigger, or filter a sound with these options built in.
  • Light calibration: The padded surface uses lights to sequence the different samples you hear and to recall exactly how each sound matches the buttons you’ve programmed.
  • Memory settings: Memory settings allow your settings to return after the device has been powered off.
Make a final choice after learning these options

You can make the sampling Roland SP 555 suitable to your playing style and needs. First start with this overview of the options offered:

  • Reconditioned: Reconditioned models offer the same dynamic features with bargain prices and the same reliability as a new Roland Sp 555.
  • Sp-555 2GB flash cards: Consider that you can take your music with you but without having to have this sampler in your pocket. The 2GB memory card is for this module and stores your files with ease.
  • Storage cases: Protect your investment with these hard cases that are light to carry and can disguise your sampler from the outside world.
  • Power supplies: Power cables may be necessary, and you can find them listed on eBay product pages.
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