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Plastic Tablecloths

If you need a solution for messy meal times or parties, plastic tablecloths could be the answer. Easy to wipe down, you'll find clearing up is quicker after using your dining table. Plastic tablecloths come in a range of different designs to suit your room's color scheme or a party theme. Simple to fold up and store, they are easily kept for use on multiple occasions.

Patterns and textures

Many different patterns such as gingham, patchwork, shabby chic floral, love hearts or polka dot tablecloths are available to liven up the room. Some plastic tablecloths have a texture to them, which creates friction so items don't slide around. This is perfect for use in a caravan or mobile home to keep everything where it should be. Suitable also for outdoor use, plastic tablecloths are great for camping. The plastic used in tablecloths is durable and doesn't wear easily so it can be reused.


You will find any color you are looking for in a plastic tablecloth, so you can find the perfect look to fit your home. Transparent versions are available if you have a solid wood table and want the color and texture to show through. For a crisp, clean French bistro look go for a plain white tablecloth.


Whatever size of plastic tablecloth you are looking for, you can find it or order it to your exact specifications. If you are not sure how much you need, rolls of plastic tablecloth material called banquet rolls are available so you can cut your cloth to the perfect size or to cover multiple surfaces. Just roll the tablecloth over the table and cut while in situ for the perfect fit. Keeping a roll of plastic table material is a good idea to keep on standby for impromptu use.