Panasonic LUMIX Waterproof Digital Cameras

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Underwater Pictures: How To Find A Reliable Waterproof Digital Camera

Camera shopping can be tough. There are tons of different models to choose from, all with various features, functionality, and price ranges. The first decision is whether to select a basic digital camera that merely points and shoots, or something more advanced that can enable you to fiddle with the settings or even swap out lenses. Here is a detailed guide to help you choose a camera that fits your needs.

What are the different types of basic Panasonic cameras available?

The term basic camera refers to the point-and-shoot models that work in a similar way to a smartphone camera.

All you have to do is either set your device on either a full auto mode or a scene mode and fire away. You cannot switch the lenses or control the settings.

  • Basic point-and-shoot - These are the smallest types dedicated primarily to photography. Because they are built for an active lifestyle, these types are small and easy to carry. You will be more likely to take more photos than you would have if you had to haul a bigger mirrorless or DSLR camera around. This type has an optical zoom range as long as 23x. Some model comes inclusive of touchscreens as well.
  • Superzoom - These models have optical zooms of at least 24x and some as long as 83x. They have a nice grip, are compact, and lightweight.
  • Waterproof - This type has excellent image quality ideal for underwater shooting such as at the bottom of a swimming pool or beneath waves. Waterproof cameras can be submerged up to 50 feet. They have strengthened inner and outer construction with a rugged exterior for proper functionality in cold temperatures.

What are the main types of advanced Panasonic cameras?

Any camera that allows for exposure setting as a Nikon COOLPIX AW130, theDMC-TS30A, or the VARIO-ELMARIT is grouped as an advanced model. These types have large image sensors and other features that help produce quality images.

  • Mirrorless - Some Panasonic mirrorless models accept interchangeable lenses such as SLRs. These types are small, lightweight, and have inbuilt high-resolution large sensors to enhance image quality.
  • Advanced - Similar to basic camera models, they have non-detachable lenses, are very compact and lightweight. However, advanced cameras have hot-shoe mounts for external flash and can produce RAW files.
  • SLRs - SLRs are interchangeable-lens gadgets that are compact with many lenses. They are the biggest and heaviest. SLRs have through-the-lens electronic viewfinders and full-frame sensors.

What features should I look for?

Cameras have tons of different features including:

  • Manual mode - Some digital cameras allow you to have control over the exposure of an image. Most Lumix models enable a user to select the aperture, shutter speed, and ISO controls.
  • Megapixels - This is a measure of the resolution of a camera. The larger the megapixels, the sharper the print.

Other features to look for include:

  • Shockproof
  • Viewfinder
  • LCD quality
  • Photo and video modes such as 4k video
  • Fast fps burst shooting
  • Ergonomics
  • Autofocus
  • Freezeproof
  • White balance