Madshus Skis

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Choosing a Set of Cross-Country Skis and Gear

Cross-country skiing is a wonderful activity to enjoy in the winter time and there are different types of skiing that you can do. Madshus makes skis for all types of adventures and it's important to choose the right kind of ski for your activity to ensure you can glide along the snow with ease and comfort.

What are the Different Types of Cross-Country Skiing?

Unfortunately, you cannot use the same skis for all cross-country skiing activities, and you need to choose skis that are appropriate. Some of the main types are: 

  • Backcountry skiing: You can do backcountry skiing in non groomed snow where you need to make your own trail. The types of skis that you need for this are a bit smaller than regular cross-country skis. Some backcountry skis will have metal edges and tend to size based on your height. The models you should look for include Annum 78, Eon 62, Epoch 68, and BC 55 Wax.
  • Touring: Touring is the standard style where you will stick to groomed trails on hard packed snow. You can choose from either classic skis that have a longer length or compact skis that are shorter and fatter. Models to choose from include Nordmarka and Nanosonic Classic Carbon.
  • Racing: Racing along the snowy terrain requires faster, sleeker skis. There are many race performance quality models to choose from including Terrasonic Classic, Terrasonic Skate, Megasonic Skate, Ultrasonic Classic, and Intrasonic Skate. 

What is the Right Cross-Country Ski Length?

The right length of your skis will depend on your height, your weight and the purpose for skiing. As a guide:

  • Classic skis: You should add 25 cm to your height to know the right length you should have. If you are heavier, you will need to round this up a bit.
  • Skating or racing skis: These are shorter than classic skis and should be 5 or 10 cm taller than you.

What Other Ski Equipment is There?

Madshus also make other important ski equipment so you can be ready to hit the slopes. You can find:

  • Boots: There are boots for back country skiing, touring and race performance. Different boots will fit into different kinds of skis so make sure to choose the right ones. 
  • Poles: There are poles available in champion, touring, race performance, and junior collections, which will assist you in getting around the trails.
  • Accessories: You can find accessories such as gloves, headwear, bags and packs, ski straps, and ski boot covers.