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Authentic and Comfortable Cowboy and Western Costumes

Reveling in the spirit and adventure of the Wild West during Halloween calls for you to don an authentic Western costume. When you want to dress up like a cowboy or cowgirl, you may use Wild Bill Hickock, Calamity Jane, or other iconic Western men and women for your costume inspiration. With so many possibilities, how can you choose what style of cowboy or cowgirl costume to wear this Halloween?

What should you consider when selecting a Wild West costume?

  • Apparel - Putting together an authentic Wild West costume for Halloween can begin by choosing the apparel you want to use for the costume. Whether you are dressing up as a cowgirl or cowboy, you may want to start with a button-down shirt with a Western theme. Western button-downs often have embellishments like embroidered pockets or fringe sleeves. You can pair a Western shirt with a pair of cowboy boots and blue jeans. If you want to wear a cowgirl costume instead of a cowboy costume, you may substitute a denim skirt for the jeans.
  • Style - Another element of your Wild West costume may involve what kind of cowboy or cowgirl look you are aiming for this year. Do you want to be a good cowboy and don a white hat or play a villainous cowgirl dressed all in black? If you want a costume that is more like those worn in the wild and woolly days of Dodge City and Tombstone, you may skip the polished Hollywood cowgirl costume and cowboy costume ideas and go for a rougher and more rugged look. Women in those days wore full skirts and hoops while men during Wild Western times wore spurs and kerchiefs around their necks.

What accessories should you add to your costume?

No Western costume would be complete without costume accessories. Women and men alike in Western times carried or wore accessories that you may want to include in your own authentic costume.

  • Gun and holster - Men and women alike who moved to and helped settle the Western areas of the U.S. often wore gun holsters. When you want a Western costume that looks authentic, you can include a leather holster and fake revolver or pistol.
  • Kerchief - Iconic Western figures like Wyatt Earp are often depicted wearing kerchiefs around their necks. Red or blue handkerchiefs can be folded in triangles and worn around your neck inside your shirt collar.
  • Spurs and chaps - The finishing touch can be a rugged pair of chaps or spurs attached to your boots. These accessories are the hallmark of standard Wild West costumes for both adults and children alike.

These tips can help you shop for costumes for both guys and ladies who want to dress up in Wild West costumes this year. Whether you are shopping for an adult costume or one for a child, these guidelines can help you select an outfit from a Western costume company that will be fun to wear. You can also add accessory items like a bandana, breastplate, or headdress to complete your cowboy-themed look.