A/C compresores y Embragues para Pontiac Solstice

AC Compressor and Clutch for Pontiac Solstice

During the hottest days of the year, you will likely want to make use of the air conditioning in your Pontiac Solstice. Your cabin-cooling system is a wonderful tool, but being made up of many mechanical parts, it is bound to require occasional maintenance. Fortunately, replacement AC parts for your Pontiac Solstice are available to keep you in comfort.

What does the AC compressor clutch do?

The compressor doesnt just flip on and off when you press the button on the dashboard. Turning on the air conditioning activates the compressor clutch, which shifts the compressor into a working state. Like transmission clutches, the type used in your Pontiacs AC is designed to shift the system from one state to another. Your air conditioner wouldnt work without it.

How does the compressor work?

The compressor clutch in your Pontiac Solstice toggles the compressor, which is the main component of your cooling system. When the clutch engages it, the compressor applies pressure to a coolant gas, which becomes a liquid that is forced around a circuit. At one point, it passes through an evaporator coil. The refrigerant in the coil chills the ventilation for expulsion into the vehicle cabin.

How do you maintain a compressor and its clutch?

This is much simpler than you might think. Maintaining your air conditioner system as a whole is a matter of running it for about 10 minutes once a month. Doing so circulates oil lubrication through the system, which helps prevent the mechanisms from seizing up due to non-use. This will also help preserve the refrigerant.

What kinds of compressor clutches are there?

Your Pontiac sports car only uses an electromagnetic clutch for the AC. Since all compressor clutches for this model do the same thing, you wont see much variation in features and functionality, but this also makes your decision easier. However, you still have the option to choose a clutch from a number of automotive manufacturers.

How do you know if your clutch is still good?

If youre wondering whether its time to replace the clutch in your Pontiac Solstice, there are a few signs to check for that indicate it is still in good working condition. You should also check for these signs if youve obtained a replacement clutch. Take note of the following:

  • Its normal to hear a gentle shifting sound from the engine area when first turning on your Solstices AC.
  • You should continue to hear this sound about every 15 minutes while the air conditioner is running.
  • The air coming from the vents should feel reasonably cold and not excessively chilling.
  • There shouldnt be any disturbing sounds while the AC continues to run.