A/C compresores y Embragues para Acura TSX

A/C Compressors and Clutches for Acura TSX

The compressor clutch is the controller part of the air conditioning in your Acura TSX. It has several components and uses the principle of electromagnetism to engage the compressor. With a range of A/C compressors and clutches for Acura TSX, you can find the parts you need to keep your air conditioning in working order.

How does the compressor clutch work?

The Acura compressor clutch has an electromagnetic coil. It is the part that engages the compressor when the air conditioning is turned on and makes the air conditioner rotor spin. When you turn off the air conditioning in your vehicle, the electromagnet disengages, and the rotor stops.

What are the signs of a faulty compressor clutch?

There are two signs that can tell you if the compressor clutch in your TSX is faulty. One obvious sign is when cooling stops. It shows that at least one part of the cooling system in your Acura is faulty. One possible reason is low refrigerant levels.

Alternatively, it can show that the compressor clutch has failed. The second sign of faulty compressor clutch in Acura TSX is when you hear an unusual noise after turning on the air conditioning.

What could be wrong with the compressor clutch?

Faults in the power supply are quite common. If you start the air conditioning in your vehicle, but the compressor clutch fails to engage, check the power transmission. Get a voltmeter and test the power to see if it is the right voltage.

If the power is getting to the compressor clutch but does not engage when you turn on the air conditioning in your TSX, the coil or clutch assembly could be faulty. If it appears to be working but you hear some noise when you start the air conditioning of your Acura TSX, this points to a faulty mechanical component, usually the bearings.

Which part of the Acura compressor clutch should you replace?

If noise is one of the signs, try spinning or gently nudging the hub sideways. If it moves or makes noise, it is faulty. Also if you spin it and it feels harder than it should, then you will need to replace the bearing. If this is not the problem, you can read the user’s manual and follow the more in-depth diagnosis of your TSX to discover the faulty part of the compressor clutch.

What are the replacement options for Acura TSX compressor clutch?

More often than not, you just need to replace parts of the compressor clutch rather than the whole unit. For instance, if the bearings are damaged, a new hub is all it needs. The replacement options include aftermarket TSX parts or those produced by the original manufacturer equipment. Both offer equally good replacement options for your Acura. Check keenly to ascertain that you get the right parts for your specific model of TSX.